Monday, August 13, 2007

Tagged by Mahirah

Uweh...I don't hear from this person for like how many weeks and then she appears she suddenly tags me with this survey questionaire thing. Heheh, it's good to here you're alive meh!

1. Tell us your name:
Awangku Mohammad Hadee Pengiran Haji Yasfadillah. I love it during role calls and when the tutor or demonstrater of the class comes to my name and goes "uhm...uh...I cant say this". Heheh, my names so long, it has to be shortened by making it Ak Mohd Hadee Pg Haji Yasfadillah. Still long and in the last resort dey'll call me 'Ackh'! Hahah

2. Three things about yourself:
The first thing is...Hm..I'm not like other 'normal' guys...I guess, I don't do the whole football thing, hahah, what is normal? The second is....I like coffee....COFFEE IS GOOD, COFFEE IS HEAVEN, COFFEE WITH CHOCOLATE IS....*orgasm* hahahah. Third thing is...lets see, it's I like to be unique or I just hate get the idea. XD

3. What’s in your playlist:
Let's see....I'm playing all tracks now so that mean every single piece of music you can imagine.. (except for hip hop and RnB). A lotta music I stole from Mahirah and a new song I downloaded a few minutes ago - the Simpsons theme song by Green Day. hahaha- daa daa daaa da daaa daa daa daa daa.

4. Your favourite music:
I’mma music lover too. Music from the soul always gets me...

5. Favourite guilty pleasure:
Cartoons...yeah, why do i feel guilty? Because I'm almost 19 and I'm still addicted to cartoons. Hahah, well other than that my other guilty pleasure is pigging out on Oporto burgers...Gawd dey're delicious...

6. Favourite food:

7. Define love:
Love is like oxygen, without it we can't breathe... (Gotta love Moulin Rouge) Love is from the heart! XD

8. Define sex:
Sex, its when a man sticks his weenie into a girls burrito. Why i say burrito because it's the first thing dat popped in my head! HAHAHA

9. Any celebrity crushes?:
Hilary Duff is puuuurty.

10. The last person you hugged:
My mom at the airport....sniiiffss....I miss home now...lalalala

11. The last person you talked to:
Asqa, not talked but rather grunted at. hahaah

12. The last time you cried:
A few weeks ago..hahah, I'm a softie, fuck.

13. The last time you had sex:

14. The last time you made out:
In my sweet SWEEET dreams...

15. The last person you dated:
Next question pleaseee!

16. The last time you went out:
I went to Uni this morning, hahah does that count?

17. What’s on your mind now?:
who the hell writes these question?

18. What’s bothering you?:
The fact that I have a calculus test to be studying for and I'm filling out this pointless thing!

19. This year’s resolutions:
Make this year better than last year....hahaha

20. Your MSN nick“:
~ DeAd ENd + d 4 4 0 + Lost inside these thoughts of you...

21. What’s your MSN nick about?:
Pretty much self explainatory...MAN WHO WRITES THIS?

22. The people you miss the most:
I miss my family and friends back home... :(

23. Current mood:
Depends on what song is playing...hahah

24. What are you thinking?:
Wasn't there a question like this a moment ago?

25. Best childhood memory:
Playing with my toy whale boat thing in the made bubbles...I wonder what happened to that thing?

26. 3 of your biggest fears:
Dying unfufilled, Being forgotten, Being a dissappointment.

27. Who do you love?: a many slendid thing... I love you...

28. 3 of the things you hate:
Read the my hates part of my blog.

29. Do you blog?:
See answer to number 28

30. Tag 5 people:
I tag you Amar-chu, I tag you Pu3-mon, I tag you Din-amon, I tag you Salwa-pokmssaur, I tag you...uh...who else blogs...uh....Nuar? Sorry man, hahahah.

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