Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A new dawn starts...again...

Yamin demonstrates the true hardworking attitude of a UNI student.
A new semester has begun and after that long refreshing break back home in Brunei, it's back to UNI life with back to back lectures and single bachelor life living again. Again, I apologize for the lack of updates in this blog. Firstly I was on a break in Brunei, so that meant, no time for internet as I had loads of freedom with the car (which resulted in a little accident heheh). Also, when I did have the time at home, after having a taste of fast Australian internet speed, surfing or logging on using ESPEED seemed pointless and a waste of time (HAHAHA to those back home! XD). To compensate, here are some pictures (not much), I took while back home.

After surprising my friends, we went on road trip to EMPIRE BEACH to watch the sunset.
Few days later, went on a BOAT TRIP around kampong ayer. Here's Mahirah and her new hairdo.

Fauzi, Mahirah and me (or I, FIDZ MY GRAMMER SUCKS). Fauzi is in his Jollibee baju!

Mahirah, Pembinian fidz and our boat driver guy(he managed to withstand my annoying kg ayer tour speech! XD).

Just before leaving for Sydney, went bowling with my buds. Amar and Mimi here, Hayat keeps dissappearing when i want to take a picture. There's another picture of Rudi holding his 'BALL' but I accidently deleted it. hahahah

Well, after an enjoyable holiday, I was back home in Sydney. Time flies so fast and now its already back to school...I mean UNI...XD. Anyways, I would have posted sooner being back in sydney and all but I was kinda in a start everything fresh mode, so I wanted to make a new skin and layout for this blog. As you might have noticed, for the past few weeks, my layout and skin kept changing, heheh and I finally settled on this one. You guys like it? I would put a poll up like last time but unlike before, I'm using custom code now and lastime the poll was a blogger poll only available if I'm using a blogger template. BTW, 2 people voted for Hadee is a genious in the last poll. Hahah

Anyways, it's been i think two weeks....three weeks, i've been home in Sydney and yeah, I've been doing a lot of stuff. Arrived on a thursday 19th JULY, spent the next few days sleeping and unpacking (my binka susu escaped quarantine check at the airport, AWESOME!). Saturday 21st July, woke up late, realised it was the day the new harry potter book 7 (Harry potter and the Deathly hallows) launched. Only arrived at the bookstore in the late afternoon. Missed out on the harry potter fanatics and the people in costumes and stuff. Huuurh, but owh well, at least I got my preordered book....and a free owl too! muahahah.

My free owl and new harry potter book. hahah, the adult cover looks much cooler.

The 7th book has got to be the best one by far. SO MUCH PEOPLE DIES IN THIS FREAKIN THING! Hahah, finished reading in just a few days. Gawd, I annoyed my friends (who are slow readers) so much the next few weeks by hinting the spoilers. heheh, I love how everything ties up in this book, just dissappointed by the climax and ending. I won't say much more, don't wanna spoil it for u guys, haha! Well, can't wait till this one becomes a long will that be? Two years? Well worth the wait! More time for the actors to brush up on their acting, and please PLEASE let's hope they get a new albus Dumbledore for this last movie. I hope M.Night Shyamalan (director of sixth sense) directs this one. It was rumoured that he will and I hope he does, cuz I love his movies. hahahah.

What else have I been doing? hmm....OH YEAH! I went to the Aroma Festival at the rocks! This was on a Sunday 22nd of July, the day after the harry potter book launch. Here are some pictures to guide you through:

The ROCKS, a place in the city, hosts the yearly AROMA FESTIVAL.

Where hundreds upon thousands even line and queue up to taste the many types of coffees and foods and other stuff there is to offer!

Your tastebuds..well...your wallet will excite over the many types of coffee there is to offer at a low price!

I went to the festival with my friends and Seniors. The girl standing next to the hot handsome guy is Naz, my senior in her third year of PET ENG course.

Fiqah, me and Daus enjoying the delicious corn on a stick. They're AWESOME! I'm salivating now just looking at the picture, hahah.

AROMA festival also offers a variety of foods as shown here by our wannabee model Fiqah. I forgot what this one was called, its made up of veggies and cost AUD$10 a plate. GAWD, SYDNEY IS EXPENSIVE...but the food is so gooood...nyum..

While enjoying your coffee, like Asqa, Fiqah, Daus and Naz above, you start to notice how crowded it'll get in a matter of minutes. These Aussie people sure love they're cheap coffee.
As I've said, the AROMA festival has many things to offer and people will do anything to attract customers. Bellydancers are aplenty to get you to buy their turkish delights. This one, sorry to say is BUTT UGLY! hahah

Well, not all good things come in colourful half naked packaging. Why I found this pretty decently dressed lady in the next stall. OMG, SHE SMILED AT ME! *melts*

While sipping your cheap coffee and expensive munchies, you could take a break and watch one of the many live band performances. This band was cool, keyboard, cello and drum and they play this sort of lounge jazz indie hybrid music. They were funny too, hahah, they're called the paramesan or parimata blablaabla trio or sumtin. eheheh

Yeah, the aroma festival was great, even got myself a few soveniers...a mug, a shirt and a bag. Forgot to take pictures of the stuff, heheh. Hopefully I'll get to go again next year. Well the Aroma festival was the last of my enjoyment for the winter break, next day begins the new semester of my course. So the next few weeks were quite hectic and busy. At first, I was excited with the new stuff I'm about to learn (GEEK ALERT) and most of my lecturers were better than the last semester. But as it turns out, most of my lectures are in upper campus so walking up there from my place is quite tiring and though the lecturers are funny, the subjects are much MUCH DULLER THAN EVER. No wonder they try to be funny, it's to help distract us from the boringness. GEOLOGY AND COMPUTING are one of the most boring-est ness things ever. hahah, even now hilang semangat after awhile.

Well, luckily, there were a few things to keep me from turning into a drone zombie thing with nothing else on his mind but study. On the 25th we celebrated my friend Izah's 20th birthday. We surprised her at her apartment with cake and pizza. And fortunately for her, I am one of the few anime and game freak Bruneians around so I got her, as a birthday present, a ticket to an Anime Video Game Orchestra concert. It's called the EMINENCE DESTINY REUNION concert where musicians play some of the famous anime and game music (NERD ALERT). It was awesome, even though it wasnt a full orchestra (it was a piano quintet; one piano, two violins, a viola and a violoncello), the musicians played with such enthusiasm and its cool to hear these kind of things life. What was even cooler was the fact that I preordered these tickets and didn't know what our seating was. Turns out I got balcony seats which were up front above the stage, ONE OF THE BEST SEATS IN THE PLACE. hahhaha, we got to cut the long queue as not many people got the balcony seats. I had fun and so did Izah (SHE BETTER CUZ THOSE TICKETS WERE EXPENSIVE!)

Izah and me in our balcony seats at the conservatorium of music Sydney.

Our seats were up close, though from the side, gave us a great view of the performance. Awesome playing, especially the guy with his full back to us. his name is Hiroaki Yura, founder of this Eminence thing. Search for him as well as Eminence in Youtube, he plays a mean violin. hahah

Souveniers from the concert, got this shirt and asked for their autographs. This is now hanging in my room. Hahah, guess I'll never get to wear it now...

That was a fun night, hopefully I can get tickets to the anime expo at the UNI. Kind of broke right now, just spend a wad of cash on getting a new desk and bookshelf. Need them for studying which I should be doing now. Hahah, gonna try to keep this blog updated now and then. I'm trying to make videos but can never seem to finish them. heheh, see you guys soon. Congrats to all you guys who masuk UBD and good luck to everyone on their future endeavors. +d440+ OUT!

My beautifully expensive new study desk and bookshelf. No more boxes for tables! Woohoo

P.s: The song playing is called the Sore Feet Song by Ally Kerr from the anime Mushimi. It's an awesome anime! hahahah

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