Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The midnight wander

Its midnight again and I'm distracting myself on the priorities at hand and wandering around the net. But, I still have a full jar of Nescafe expresso coffee (unfortunately, I couldn't say the same for my other food stock) and the company of radio tunes to keep me awake. Wandering is what I do to feed my always hungry mind. Even though the vast amounts of information I absorb is useless in the overall picture, I will continue to wander like a zombie hungry for human innards.

As usual, like a fucking addiction, I wander to your page and look through your collections of photos even though I know not one of the persons standing next to you is me. And then I remember those words that you have said. You say those words like it were nothing, you make it sound so simple. How could it be simple when all of me was crushed in a single blow. So I am recuperating now, I am not begging for things to go the other way because I've learnt this lesson already. You'd think that once you felt a pain such as this, you'd never feel it again, but hey this is life. What's life without the joy of getting slapped around once or twice. IT'S FREAKIN AWESOME!

Hahah, yeah, I've been taking the pity train a little too far I guess. I'll try to get off at the next stop, I promise. It's was an excruciating but I think worthwhile experience. So now I wander what's at that next stop, and whether I'll board the right train and finally reach that destination I wanted to go to. =)

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