Friday, October 19, 2007


Mr Lennox: (To me and Nisah) Both of you have the longest names in the whole group, I can count them!
(Lennox starts to count, Nisah and me laughs)
Me: Oh, did you know that PG and AK are in short form?
(Lennox wide-eyed, stares at my name; "Ak Mohd Hadee Pg Hj Yasfadillah")
Mr Lennox: (Laughs loudly) IT'S SHORT FORM!? You guys do this on purpose to annoy us don't you?!

heheh, that was part of a funny conversation that nisah and I had with my GEOS lecture, Dr Paul Lennox, before having to take our test. He's a really funny guy this lecturer, though sometimes annoying and intimidating, he's still memorable and an okay guy, like dear old Yilderay and H.Salisch of Session 1. All three of them have their own catchphrases, which my batch mates love to make fun off.

Lennox : ..... rightiooo
Yilderay: SooOOoOoooo.....
Salisch: you get me?

Owh.... Lennox sent me an email just now. hahah, cam sengaja ia buat PG atu after the morning's conversation. Usually in his email, he addresses me as Hadee.


Dear PG (Hadee to his friends),

You scored 83% for the map test........well done,


-- Dr Paul Lennox
School of BEES
Sydney 2052

Owh....i scored 83% on my mapping test which is AWEEESOOOMEE, HAHAHAHAHAH

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