Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Can't help it

Second last week of the semester and its the second last test for my french today. Need to study, so going to go off in a bit. Lately, all my posts have been rather...well depressing. Yeah, I admit I'm depressed, and I shouldn't be. Life is can be better spent without all this moping. I started going to gym again, hopefully I'll stick to it this time. Going for these steps classes, which is really fun. Just have to find time for it. Running makes me feel better... 

I miss Centenial Park, used to jog there everyday when I lived in Kensington. I can jog to coogee beach, but its too...sandy...hahah and cold and to many hills in between the beach and my house. 

When I'm not jogging, I'm stuck at home. Putting off study for internet, guitar and games. Haha, I been forgetting to control my spending lately. Ebay and Shell Allowance don't mix. Some days I have to starve cuz I don't have cash to buy groceries or eat out. Lesson that should have been learnt a long while ago.

Yeah, but being here in Sydney, when I think about it, is all worth it (ups and downs). To quote moulin rouge: Truth, beauty, freedom and love. Learnt about all these things after being on my own. Truth: People... the lies you have to realise and the truth you must believe from them. Beauty: How beautiful life is, like realising how beautiful it is when you finally get your housemates finally clean the dishes. Freedom: Control fo yourself, what you do and its impact on everything else. Don't take for granted that even though your in another country, away from the eyes of everyone, the big guy up there is still watching you. Last but not least, love: its a fools game.

Am I a fool, who tries too hard or am I a fool who does not try hard enough? Am I a fool who puts too much trust in people or am I a fool who can't trust anyone enough? Am I a fool for being  a dreamer or a fool for being too pessimisistic? Am I a fool, cause I can't help but fall in love with you?

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