Saturday, May 26, 2007



Listening to: Awesome Radio music whose titles and artists always seem to evade me
Condition: I'm freezing my ass off...

Well a chaotic time is approaching, and quite soon (next week actually), stress will be at an overload, sleep will be something dearly missed and coffee yet again my best friend. Yups, my finals are coming up, starting with a Final Petroleum Engineering Exam Tuesday next week. I need to pick up a book... I need to study....hah, like thats ever going to happen. I'm distracted... always distracted, mood...I need to get in the groove, IF U THROW OF MY GROOVE YUR DEAD! hahahh, I'm goin insane, yay!

I have to complete this poster for my ENGG group presentation by Monday, but several probs hav arisen. Yeah, our pump device thingy which we built decided to break down at the last minute and we have to build it all from new parts, write up a new report...hurh, so much bloody stuff to do, its killing me. I seriously thought the thing was going to work, but, hey...shit happens. Huurh, need to fix my pump, need to write dat down...

OMFG, dis music is so awesome....techo, dancish...i feel like dancing now...hahah, RAVIING BEBEH! I miss karaoking.... *slaps self* CONCENTRATE GODDAMIT, U HAVE MORE IMPORTANT STUFF TO DO. WTH, is this song a gwen its not... is this official? *listens intently for a few seconds* *loses interest*

*mumbles* Why do all the good songs play at night when dere are no freakin Deejays to announce what the fuck is playin. *mumbles* Whoa... *spots clock thermometer thingy on windowsill*'s 14 freakin degrees...I'm freezin my ass off. Haha, its been like this for the past few days, and probably continue for the upcoming months. Encountered my first smoke breath two nights ago while walking home. It was awesome...kept blowin this asap in front of my face...tried it a few old after awhile. BTW, dats why no naked pics, too cold to be naked. hahah,, sorri ryf..u horny bastard.

So blurred the past few much stuff on my mind...I noe i need to be doing something... but why the hell am I standing around doing nothing. I'm a freakin idiot..hahahh, I'm turning into a freakin zombie... *does a "thriller" pose* Miss watchin Michael Jackson music videos, dey're so awesome, dey're some on youtube..maybe I can watch some... *SLAPS SELF* STOP DISTRACTING YUR SELF GODDAMIT!

Farts I cleaned my room, and wanted to post a picture but... *looks down at floor* seems that my room likes being dirty and unorganised. My petro engg notes are on the floor calling to me. Yesh...I'll read u in a minute, stop bossing me around. Stupid book thinks it can boss me around, who the hell does that book think it is...

Okay let's end this pointlessness right here. Hahah, I have a serious problem, i keep distracting myself from studying...i do stuff like...blogging...hahaha. See ya guys- +d440 out+

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