Friday, January 16, 2009

Doctors are annoying

Well... I hate going to the doctors, I usually avoid them at all costs. Some of my close friends know this. I rather suffer with strange fevers for a week than go meet a doctor. I only go to the docs when I really reaaaally have to. And unfortunately, today, I had to.

Well, new year came, and what a great way to begin it with an outbreak of god knows what on my face. It started out with dry skin, then it became a tiny rash, then pimply, then painful and scabby. It spread from my cheeks to my forehead, nose and now all over my neck. I thought it was acne or just a little rash that would go away after a few days. But the rash things were itchy and after awhile painful, felt like my skin was burning. I thought I probably caught some type of bug... for awhile I even thought I got a flesh eating virus. hahah, yeah, my imagination tends to get the best of me sometimes.

So after a few days of huge discomfort and irritation, I set up an appointment with the UNI doctor. So when I got to the health centre, I had to fill a form, which I find annoying here in AUssie, cause I have to explain over and over again about my 'abnormally' long name and which parts are my first and which parts are my last. After filling them up I had to wait. One of the great pains is waiting. Cold room with my face itchy like hell, getting annoyed every time someone else gets called in and walks by you. Felt like I want to trip them over just to past the time. hahaha

Well, after the hell of a long time of waiting, the doc called my name. What made me annoyed even more was the fact that while feeling up the sheet at the beginning, they had a box there where I had to write my 'prefferred name' which is the name I'd like to be called. I put in 'Hadee' cause I preffeeeereed Hadee. I pressumed she would call me by this prefferred name, but guess what. She didn't. She called me 'AK' which was the first part of my full name. Whats the point of me writing my preffered name if she isnt even gonna call me by that name. As a mental payback, I decided to 'notice' all her faults; short, skinny, ugly. Haha :P

When I sat in her office, I hoped that she would be one of those friendly doctors who chat up a bit, and ask you bout your day. Unfortunately, she was one of those cold, its all business no eye contact, I hate human beings type doctors. She asked me whats was wrong, and I told her about the outbreak on my skin. After barely looking at me, she just said; "oh...I think you got an infection'. I so badly wanted to scream out; "NOO FREAKIN DUUUH" to her. What makes it worse, she didnt even try to ask me how I got it. I had to pry it out of her with my curious I dont know anything act. She wasnt even concerned how I got it or how I should prevent it. What kind of doctor is that? Not gonna visit her anytime soon I promise you that!

Anyways, she prescribed me antibiotics and sent me on my way. I deliberately told her it was painful and itchy during the check up, but she still didnt give me any cream for that. I wanted to leave so bad that I didnt bother asking her. Ran out of the health centre and to a pharmachy for my medicine. I also miss the convenience of Brunei's free health. Paid $15 for the antibiotics which sadly made my wallet half empty. So sad... hopefully the medicine will work and I'll be free of this itchiness and discomfort FOREVEEEEEER! WAKAKAKAK. Assalamualaikum ! ;)

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