Tuesday, July 22, 2008

life's a gamble

I took a big step a few weeks ago, I took a deep breath and I took that leap of faith. I knew what the many outcomes would be and knowing those outcomes was one of the reasons it took so long. Well, I've laid the cards out and showed you my hand. Chances were grim and waiting and wandering what you were going to throw out at me was almost unbearable. Now, you shown me your hand, and what I feared came true.

I lost that gamble and again I hang my head in painful defeat. There were no winners, but I feel like I've lost as usual. But I'll recover this time because for the first time it was me who dealt those cards and for the first time it was me who decided to play this game. Though I've grown used to this losing streak, I still hope one day that luck and faith will turn things around. For now, I won't reshuffle the deck, I don't think I'm ready for another gamble yet. The cards remain on the table for now.

I'm just glad you know now... :)

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